You can shop and withdraw cash with your TROY credit card, within the limit set by your bank; You can also use it safely for your internet and mobile shopping. TROY credit cards can be offered by our members as individual cards and commercial cards.
You can shop and withdraw cash with your TROY credit card, within the limit set by your bank; You can also use it safely for your internet and mobile shopping. TROY credit cards can be offered by our members as individual cards and commercial cards.
With your TROY debit card, you can withdraw cash from ATMs, shop via POS, and use it safely for your online and mobile shopping. TROY debit cards can be offered by our members as individual cards and commercial cards.
You can use your TROY prepaid card in your POS and e-commerce transactions by loading a balance into it. You can also withdraw cash from ATMs with prepaid cards within legal limits.
Yes! Your POS supports TROY cards, thanks to the developments performed by your bank. As TROY POS infrastructure is offered to merchants by banks, please contact your bank for further information.
Contactless Payment is a technology developed to enable fast, simple and secure transactions. Contactless payment transactions are approved under 1 second, thus reduces waiting time at the cash point. Speed up your work by using a contactless POS. Contact your bank for further information.
If you’d like to display the TROY or provide information brochures at your location, please e-mail your request to the following address.